Modern day shoppers expect a special shopping experience. They expect information to be up to date and reliable, visually appealing, and, beeing familiar with the internet, they expect a two way communication with sellers and brands. PandoPad exceeds this expectation and offers a unique service that will entice shoppers into an intensive interaction and communication with friends. Whether they wish to find a way to a desired location,
check the latest offers, browse through a catalogue, send a coupon to a friend, watch video content, an animation, play a game, or whatever - PandoPad has it all!
PandoPad is a unique tool for shopping centres and shops, bringing advanced solutions for presentation and selection of products, brand positioning, and offers additional interaction via virtual keyboard, email, QR codes, announcements, photo galleries, news, brochures and catalogues.
Compared to other forms of advertising, the key advantage of digital publishing is that it delivers a message in a dynamic and attractive way, to catch customers’ attention. The second key advantage is that it makes it possible to manage the content (i.e. marketing message) in real time!
A PandoPad owner can use it for many purposes – to deliver services to target customers, to inform, to sell, to educate, to entertain, to advertise, to publish, to survey the market, to present, etc.
PandoPad platform unifies software and hardware into a single whole. The goal was to create a unique system that will meet the most demanding challenges in the digital signage field, yet provide a reliable platform for digital signage communications. PandoPad platform can easily be integrated with external third party systems.