A revolutionary technique to revive museum installations in an unprecedented way. Did You see the movie "Night at the Museum"? When all the exhibits come to life :)
Final preparation of 3D mapping videos for projection onto a museum doll. In addition to the projection on the face, a speaker is also built into the doll so that a person who has come to life and speaks appears in front of you. To make things even more interesting on the doll are motion sensors so that it looks at you when you come in front and interacts.
The process begins with the creation of a 3D model of the actor, from which, after special processing, a 3D print head is made to be mounted on the doll.
Not all business is completely digital. The model of the doll is hand-worked and the surface is prepared to be in the structure of the skin of the face and coated with special projection colors.
Preview of the final video for the projection on the holo doll.