The Ethnographic Museum is an institution open to the general public whose main goal is to preserve ethnographic heritage and cultural identities and to understand the world in which we live. The main tasks of the museum are the systematic collection of cultural objects, their preservation, museological processing, professional and scientific study and exhibition. In achieving its goals, the Museum communicates with visitors, institutions, interested communities and users and encourages the acceptance of ethnology as a science of people and their culture.
The exhibition "Of Animals and Humans" was presented in the museum, where the relationship between humans and animals, which have a long history of coexistence, was shown in a modern way. The exhibition shows how our perceptions, feelings and behavior towards animals within our social environment, but also towards those in the natural environment, have changed throughout history. Examining our relationship with animals, we come to the question of what it means to be human today. In addition to the exhibition, a number of different educational programs intended for the general public were also organized.
The Ethnographic Museum decided to complete the presentation of its exhibition Of Animals and Humans with multimedia content and interaction. The aim of the project is to offer visitors the opportunity to explore the exhibition, view digital publications, and try various entertaining content.
Deliver a quality visually impressive, and at the same time cost-effective solution for a multimedia presentation that will be well noticed and accepted by visitors of the Ethnographic Museum.
The solution needed to be equipped with a package of centrally managed multimedia applications, and in the creative part of the project it was necessary to study exhibition topics, develop visual content and design user interfaces.
With the application of our products: PandoPad® Manager, PandoPad® Applications and PandoPad® WALL units, all interactive services necessary for informing and presenting the exhibition Of Animals and Humans have been realized. Set of the museum is designed with special visual identity of the exhibition, whose graphic elements were used in the preparation of interactive applications.
The housings of our interactive kiosks are modern, attractive in appearance, specially designed for indoor installations and easy installation. The screens are the most modern technologies, high brightness, and due to their characteristics they dominate the space.
The interactive kiosk contains a set of PandoPad applications that provide basic information about the exhibition, the possibility of testing knowledge through fun content, sending an e-card, etc. On this example, visitors will be able to explore Croatian breeds by selecting the area on the map of Croatia.
In this example, we see the PandoPad® eCard Selfie application through which users can select one of the offered images, insert a photo of their face and send a virtual / digital postcard using the integrated e-mail system.
PandoPad® Quiz is an ideal way to prepare interactive quizzes. Some of the features include the possibility of asking different number of questions, multiple-choice questions, gauge the time needed to respond, and the presentation of the best results.